Unexplored Territories – Drilling for Natural Gas Goes Deep

Natural Gas Oil Rig
Natural Gas Oil Rig

Searching for New Deposits

When it comes to drilling for natural gas, there are many variables that go into finding new deposits, spurring energy company scientists to use a variety of methods in order to find them. They look at the surface geology of an area, the seismic energy (how energy moves from inside the Earth to its surface) and even the magnetic properties of the underground rock formations.

With global natural gas demand expected to grow by 1.6% a year for the next five years, consumption is anticipated to reach almost 4,000 billion cubic meters (bcm) by 2022, up from 3,630 bcm in 2016. This surge in demand has caused companies to consider drilling in offshore sites, which has led to funding of projects for drilling off Australia’s southeast coast in the search for new sources of natural gas.

Drilling Into Deepest Depths

With sites like these, drilling into the deepest depths of the ocean floor (up to 700 meters in some instances) can result in excessive pressure and other strains on instrumentation which can lead to inaccurate reading results.

Blue Ribbon understands how crucial it is to have dependable, high quality, cost effective products designed to work in these types of safety critical environments, products that can be tailored to specific environmental conditions. The Blue Ribbon BR400 Series Process Pressure Gauges with a Phenolic-Solid Front/Blow-Out Back Case and an Over Pressure of 20% up to 10K PSI; 10% over 10K PSI is just one example of the products we carry that can meet such demands.


These and other high-quality, dependable products are why Blue Ribbon is continuing to expand its market share worldwide with increased sales in Australia, Central America, South America, and Southeast Asia, to become an emerging global market leader in providing pressure gauges, thermometers, and electronic sensors.

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